If an individual is unable to speak in particular situations or in front of strangers, we usually think they are feeling shy and tag them as bashful. But this inability to speak in front of strangers is a symptom of a mental disorder known as selective mutism. A person suffering from this condition needs to consult the best psychiatrist doctor in Gurgaon for selective mutism treatment.
Selective mutism usually begins in childhood and if not treated at the right time by one of the best psychiatrist in India, it can continue to remain in person’s rest of the life. It is also thought that the person himself decides to decline to speak at a specific moment but it actually is not the truth. They want to speak but fail.
The pressure to talk in front of certain people or to talk to a specific set of people makes them freeze and anxious, which makes talking unfeasible for them. Therefore, if you have observed any such symptom in yourself or someone you know, it is important to seek advice from a psychiatrist in Delhi, psychiatrist in Gurgaon, or any other city you feel like. In case you have seen these symptoms in a child, it is recommended to consult a child psychiatrist near me as they can understand a child better. The delay in seeking help might worsen the condition.
Individuals with selective mutism can easily talk to family members and friends.
As per the stats, “the condition affects 1 in 40 children. It is common in girls and kids who have moved to a different place from their own birth country.”
Symptoms of selective mutism:
Some of the common symptoms of selective mutism include avoiding eye contact and appearing:
- Anxious and tensed
- Impolite, dispassionate, or moody behavior
- Reserved and unsociable
- Rigid
- Difficult or hostile
Diagnosis of Selective Mutism:
If you find any of the above symptoms in your family member or friend, then try not to ignore it. Instead, try to observe their behavior as closely as possible. Check with the school staff or office colleagues about how he/she behaves with them and then consult a mental health professional in the best psychiatrist in Gurgaon.
The experts at best psychiatrist in Gurgaon can understand the difference between a child mind set and an adult’s mind who is having selective mutism, how differently they need to be treated. Accordingly, our therapist may first discuss with you about the patient’s behavior, the anxieties you are having about your behavior and the observation towards the development of this disorder.
They may conduct a Q&A session with the family members in the absence of the patient, which will include if there is any history of anxiety disorder in the family. Based on that, they will connect with the patient. At the beginning of the treatment plan, the patient may resist talking during the assessment session however, our therapists have other different ways to talk to them and make them feel comfortable. For example, instead of talking, patient can share his/her inputs by writing or through some family/friend.
Effective Treatment for Child & Adults
The duration of treatment for selective mutism depends on the following factors:
- From how long the individual has selective mutism
- Do they have any other mental disorder with selective mutism
- Support available through family and friends.
By uplifting the pressure of speaking, we do not treat the difficulty of speaking itself but it surely lessens the anxiety connected with speaking. Whether a patient needs individual therapy or group therapy, it depends on the support he gets from family and friends.
Some of the common kinds of therapies:
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
This therapy is about knowing the mindset of an individual, what they think about their surroundings and then changing their thoughts from negative to positive.
2. Behavioural therapy
This therapy is taking step by step approach to defeat the difficulties and fear.
3. Other Techniques
There are various techniques based on CBT and behavioral therapy that are beneficial in treating selective mutism such as graded exposure, stimulus fading, shaping, positive and negative reinforcement, desensitisation, etc.
Best psychiatrist in Gurgaon is the perfect clinic to diagnose Selective Mutism
The Best Psychiatrists in Gurgaon understands that getting admitted is not for everyone especially if the patient is a child. Hence, we have the best OPD available here. If you or anyone in your surroundings has a mental disorder then do not hesitate. Please contact us at 9718921212 or email us at customercare@athenabhs.com to book an appointment. Share your basic details like name, phone number, and email ID, and one of our team members will contact you as per your availability.
Post diagnosis and as per the patient’s condition, our team of mental health therapists will decide whether OPD treatment is sufficient or if he/she needs to be admitted to the hospital. To reach the road to recovery, take the first step to recovery by reaching out to us and we will guide you to walk the rest of the steps.